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New Year Message from the Secratary General of the ASPS 19/12/2014 Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As 2014 draws to a close I would like to thank you all for the splendid work you do to promote a culture of democratic values and human rights among future leaders of your countries and no doubt of Europe too.

For many of you this must feel like a Sisyphean task as we witness the rise of extremist parties and “illiberal democracy” across a growing number of countries Europe wide.

However, the only way to resist the tide of illiberal authoritarianism is to reaffirm our commitment to pluralism and individual freedom which underpin our democratic societies.

In that context I hope 2015 will put an end to the totally unwarranted and unfair harassment of the Moscow School and see Ilgar Mammadov freed from the gaol in which he is held, according to the ECHR, “…to silence or punish (him) for criticizing the Government and publishing information it was trying to hide”.

As Vaclav Havel once said: “We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the seemingly impossible to become a reality. Without dreaming of a better Europe, we shall never build a better Europe!”

With warmest wishes to you and yours for this festive period and for a happy and successful New Year,

On behalf of all of us involved in the Association of Schools of Political Studies,
Jack Hanning
Secretary General

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