victory for the centre-left Labour Party

The United Kingdom is experiencing a major political upheaval. While far-right parties are gaining ground in France and elsewhere in Europe, the UK has taken an unexpected turn. Friday's official election results revealed a landslide victory for the centre-left Labour Party, marking its first triumph in 19 years since the Tony Blair era. This victory represents a significant step forward for democracy and respect for international law.


The Conservatives, whose recent leaders include Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, suffered the worst defeat in their 200-year history. After 14 years of governance, they were punished by voters for a variety of reasons: Brexit, which a majority of Britons now regret; the Party-gate scandal under Johnson; Liz Truss's disastrous 2022 Budget, which rocked the financial markets.


Keir Starmer is the UK's new Prime Minister after Labour’s decisive victory in the General Election. One immediate result was the abandonment of the previous government's controversial plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, a policy which breached international law and human rights conventions. Keir Starmer affirmed his commitment to respect the European Convention on Human Rights, putting an end to practices contrary to these principles.